Music of Joy – Namostute

Please enjoy another Sahaja Yoga bhajan by the Music of Joy group, based in Australia.


  1. Jay . Shri Mataji! Sorry. I am is Ukrainen sahaja yog. It is a verry-verry good! Я обязательно расскажу нашему коллективу, ведь в домашних условиях услышать как правильно звучит тот или иной бхаджан или раги да к тому же еще и повторить или помедитировать! Это класс! Спасибо! Этот сайт – это хорошая помощь Юва-Шакти. Свой учитель и рядом.
    Хотелось бы еще увидеть видео уроки , например, игры на гармонике или табле…

  2. Jay Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi je t’aime beaucoup.Je suis tres heureux d’ecouter ces belle chansons sur mère meme si je ne comprend pas les paroles mais au delà de la parole,le coeur qui ecoute est en joie.Que mère benisse ce site ainsi que les personnes qui l’ont créé.

  3. Jay Shri Mataji
    Listening to Namustute is so beautiful, it makes me feel the blessing vibrations so real that I really enjoy it. Spectacular vibrations come to me immediately. I hope everyone would have the same experience, thanks a lot.
    A peruvian yogui, living in LA. for now

    1. Dear Lalo,
      Saw this post from so long ago , 2009!
      Hope you and family are well!! Met you in LA when you were here teaching. Remembering you and family fondly
      Jai Shri Mataji!
      May we always enjoy music of this Calibre in our hearts praising Shri Mataji!
      Lots of Love,
      Sylvia and Sergey

  4. all music, videos, pujas, bhajan singing, performances related to sahaja yoga is unique & best in the world because of the added element of divine vibrations & her blessings!

    keep it up world sahaja yogis

    from Pune, India

  5. sono profondamente grato e fiero ,perche questa cansone mi ha datto la gioa,la forza quando iniziavo sahaja yoga e questo gruppo è veramente fantastico.grzie mille a madre chi ha datto l’inspirazione del ritmo e della melodia chi mi tocca il cuore.
    jay shri mataji.

  6. Jsm,
    this bhajan is really music of joy from av node which i missed early years not only this but all other bhajans which are the instruments for sri mataji’s blessings.
    thank one and all sahajis for their divine musical contributions..
    no more words to express the joy..i felt..

  7. Jay, Shri Mataji! I am so happy to see you all again here event via pictures only:) I always feel the joy and vibration when listen to your songs. Thank you so much.. With peace and love from little Minh-Vietnam

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